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At St Thomas’, we have adopted a mastery approach in order to deliver the three aims of the National Curriculum; fluency, reasoning and problem solving. To support our pupils in achieving this, we use the White Rose Primary Scheme of Learning, which is used to both support and challenge pupils’ understanding.

We recognise the significant contribution mathematics makes to modern society and consider it to be vital for the life opportunities of our pupils. Our approach aims to provide all pupils with full access to the curriculum. We strive to enable fascination and an excitement to discover mathematical concepts and to broaden pupils’ knowledge and understanding of how mathematics is used in the wider world. Our aim is for our pupils to become confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians, who are well equipped to apply their learning to the wider world.

At St Thomas’, we ensure pupils have transferable mathematical skills, the ability to reason and solve problems and a well-developed vocabulary. We believe that the language of mathematics is international and its importance is universally recognised. We hope our pupils can experience a sense of awe and wonder as they solve a problem for the first time, discover different solutions and make links between different areas of mathematics. We provide our pupils with the opportunity to explore mathematics using a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources.

We grow together in Maths, by:

  • Securing pupils’ knowledge and accuracy when recalling number facts.
  • Developing mathematical thinking and conceptual understanding by using a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources.
  • Learning how to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately.
  • Developing our understanding and use of mathematical vocabulary.
  • Fostering a ‘can do’ attitude and encouraging pupils to take risks and not be afraid to make a mistake.
  • Fostering confidence, resilience and independence.
  • Making use of misconceptions to further understand key concepts.
  • Building rich connections across mathematical ideas.
  • Having the opportunity to work collaboratively and independently.
  • Deepening pupils’ understanding by covering fewer topics in greater depth.
  • Applying mathematical skills necessary for solving problems not only in maths lessons but also in science and other subjects and everyday situations.

As mathematicians, we aim to follow our school’s curriculum vision in order to 

Be Curious, Be Knowledgeable, Be Creative, Be Compassionate, Be Reflective, Be Courageous. 

 Growing together through faith in Jesus Christ, ‘Let all you do be done in love.’

(1 Corinthians 16)

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