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Our Safeguarding Team and Policies

Mr Ian Moss

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mr Ian Moss - Head Teacher

Mrs Vickie Toft

Deputy Safeguarding Lead


Miss Vickie Toft - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Naomi Blyth

Naomi Blyth Photo_small

Our Safeguarding team has responsibility for dealing with safeguarding and child protection concerns at St Thomas'  CE Primary School, and act as a source of support, advice and expertise within school. Staff are trained to a high level and training is updated at least every two years.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead will recognise how to identify signs of abuse and will make an appropriate judgement on what action to take based on the information presented to them. The DSL ensures the school’s safeguarding policy is embedded and available to all.

Our school's safeguarding procedures are audited by the Local Authority. 

Childline is a really useful website for children who might be suffering from bullying, struggling with emotions or need to talk to someone about neglect or abuse.

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