Christian Charter
St Thomas' CE Primary School encourages nurturing and celebrating the unique value and self-worth of each member of our school family, weaving spirituality like a thread through the fabric of our school, enriching who we are, bringing 'Life in all its fullness'.
Spirituality is about creating precious moments to transform thoughts, actions and our senses. It is the capacity to be still and reflect with awe and wonder on the beauty and possibilities of the human and natural world … and beyond.
We would like every child to experience all of the following during their time with us:
- A residential visit
- Experiencing messy play
- Linking beliefs with world religions
- Celebrating achievements
- Planting, growing and harvesting
- Cooking and baking
- Being part of a community project
- Performing in a school production
- Organising a charitable event
- Singing in public
- Taking part in a sponsored event
- A range of extra-curricular activities
- Representing the school
- Learning outside the classroom
- Climbing a tree
- Leading an act of worship
- Developing confidence in spirituality
- Meeting children from other schools
- Being a prefect, play leader or buddy
- Visiting educational sites and places of worship
- A range of outdoor challenges
- Celebration of special occasions in the church calendar