Our governing body is currently made up as follows:
5 foundation governors appointed by St Thomas' Parochial Church Council. (As of 17th July 2024):
Mrs Naomi Blyth (Chair)
Rev Michael Ridley
Mr James Warburton
Mrs Louise Barker
Mrs Sarah Downes
1 LEA governor appointed by the Local Authority
Mrs Hannah Williams
2 parent governors elected by parents
Mrs Linda Boys
James Warburton
2 staff governors (including the headteacher)
Mr Ian Moss
St. Thomas’ School Governors are volunteers who represent the Church (nominated by the PCC), parents and the school staff. They attend meetings and work to further the school’s development. They attend full governing body meetings each term, along with being a member of one or more committees which also meet at least termly. Together with the Headteacher, they set the future direction for the school and decide how the school’s budget should be spent. Our Governing Body makes decisions collectively on matters such as finance, performance targets, school policies and the school’s improvement. They respond to Ofsted recommendations and provide the Headteacher with support and advice. Governors attend training in various aspects of school governance. All training is recorded on a skills matrix, and a register of attendance at meetings is documented below.
All the Governors have to formally declare whether they have no pecuniary, relationship, business or financial interests that are relevant to their position as Governors of our school. This information is collated at the start of each Committee or full Governing Body meeting and declared annually and held on a register - see below.
Any Associate Governors do not have voting rights but we are very grateful for the support and advice they provide.
Link Governors with specific roles
In addition to attending twice-termly meetings, our Governors have responsibilities for specific areas. They come into school regularly to discuss and review progress with relevant staff, reporting their findings back to the Governing Body.
Governors of the school serve a four-year term of office.
The Chair of the Board of Governors, Mrs Naomi Blyth can be contacted via the school office.
Jo Squires from Second2None School Support carried out the duries of Clerk to the Governors.